

The unique structure and making craft guarantee the equipment the low brwakdown sng long life, Scientific design guarantee thst gasification is completely highly effictive.

Used the coal to transform for coal gas heats up, compared to burn coal to save cost 15 ~ 25%, tha ratio uses electricity save cost 30 ~ 70%, save compared to the diesel used 60 ~ 85%.

Cost-Cutting in Fuel consumption :
With oil and nature gas price rising to new-record, and coal in plentiful supply, it nis more or less inevitable that coal is goaing to get used by Coal Gasification.

Coal Gasification is :
The device that turn the coal into gas by exposing to hot steam and carefully controlled amount of air or oxugen under high temperature and normal pressures.
There will be some difference in gasification due to the quality of the original fossil fuels, but gas exit on an average 3.000 M3 per ton and 1.500 Kcal/M3 in theory.
This new technique is gasifiying cola into highly efficient gas in anywhere with environmetal benefits. Especially it secure the economical efficiency and cleanness by changing to highly efficient energy from low quality coal.
Also it nakes possible to turn the heavy residual oil, petroleum coke, biomass waste to gas which enchance pro environment and production field of highly efficient in the future.

1. Posibble to install in any kind of burning devices
2. Pro environment fuel : burns to gas - eloimination of air, water pollution
3. 5.000 Kcal Use the low caloried coal below 5.000 Kcal - can buy easily at low price
4. Inexpensive price the machine / even break average 3 mont / no cost maintain
5. Easy regulation on thermal efficiency / Auto cleaning the ash